“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace”
Long hours at a desk or standing, physical work associated with manual handling and lifting injuries or just simply activities of daily living may bring about pain and soft tissue restrictions that keep you from moving with ease and pain-free.
For example:
• Low back pain
• Muscle strain
• Tendonitis
• Tennis elbow
• Sciatica
• Repetitive strain injuries
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Stress
Bodywork focuses on soft body tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue known as fascia. During a session, tissues are manipulated in various ways to free up areas of chronic holding and congestion, and facilitate greater function, and freedom of movement. These effects are produced by hooking into the skin and manipulating the underlying tissues locally, which can also create a related effect at a distant area of the body. Included in the session are range of motion movements and stretches for relief from aches and pains and improved flexibility and movement. So by the time the session is over, you should feel more relaxed with less pain and more freedom in your body.
- Musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and injuries: By applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to
target the inner layers of muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscles and tissue to promote faster healing by increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation and trigger points. Trigger points are spots or bands that can produce pain when compressed. Trigger points form as a result of trauma to the muscle fibers.
- Fascia, which is a thin covering of fibrous stringy tissue that encloses a muscle, my aim is to relieve any tightness, pain and increase range of motion. In most cases, fascia smoothly stretches and rebounds to allow for optimal movement. However, if scar tissue and/or adhesions form, muscles can’t bounce back like they could before. This can lead to tightness and pain. Releasing fascia manually and/or sometimes using scraping tools help eliminate this and can make for a much lighter and looser feeling and increased range of motion. It may leave a visible mark that looks somewhat like an abrasion or burn, but which goes away without leaving a scar.
Call, Text or Email for a consultation or appointment - (956) 342-6495